  • 0 個投票 - 平均 0 個
x 0
s710363 寫: (07-10-2021, 04:48 PM)跳起來已經大致上都ok了 剩下一些圖沒畫 應該能先上1、2服了
先讓玩家看到沒畫到的圖先rtv吧 應該剩100-200張
打個注意 伺服器還在測試中,如有沒架設起點終點的圖請直接rtv

我比較好奇那些牌位還有分數那些怎麼算阿 Huh


// tag = clantag and what appears in the !ranks/!chatrank menus
// col = color. what shows up in chat before their name
// del = nothing, ignore it
// msg = color that shows up before their message
// desc = Description of the chat rank. shows up in the !ranks/!chatrank menus
// flag = admin flag required for the "Flag" rank
// custom = 0/1, custom chat to whoever gets this rank
// id = unique value for this rank, used so player chat rank settings save easily. always make sure no two or more chatranks have the same "id"
// prio = priority. when a player loses their chat rank it will automatically set their chatrank to whichever one has the most priority in their availabe chatranks list
// list = set to 1 if you want this chatrank to show in the !ranks menu
// steamid = player steamid for the SteamID chatrank type
// min = minimum. different meanings based on the chatrank type. if the chatrank is percentage based it means minimum percent, otherwise its just a flat number
// max = same as minimum but it's the maximum number
// style = style number for the StyleRank chatrank
// type = type number for the StyleRank chatrank

// Rank types ---------------------
// "Flag" = Chat rank given to players with specific admin flag
// "Unranked" = Chat rank given to unranked players
// "OverallRank" = Chat rank given to players who rank lies within the min and max values
// "OverallRankPercent" = Chat rank given to players whos rank percent (rank divided by total ranks aka percentage) lies within the min and max values
// "WRRank" = Chat rank given to players whos world record rank (based on how many records they have overall) lies within the min and max values
// "SteamID" = Chat rank given to whoever owns the specified steam id
// "All" = Chat rank given to all players
// "StyleRank" = Chat rank given to players whos style rank lies within the min and max values
// "StyleRankPercent" = Chat rank given to players who style rank percent (style rank divided by total ranks for the specified style) lies within the min and max values

        "tag"    "[Admin]"
        "col"    "{darkred}[{red}Admin{darkred}]{purple} "
        "del"    "{normal}>> "
        "msg"    "{rand}"
        "desc"   "Admin"
        "flag"   "d"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "1" // Every chat rank must have a unique id so players can save their chat rank setting
        "prio"   "100"
        "list"   "0"
        "tag"    "[VIP]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{purple}VIP{normal}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}>> "
        "msg"    "{rand}"
        "desc"   "VIP"
        "flag"   "a"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "2"
        "prio"   "99"
        "list"   "0"
        "tag"     "[Owner]"
        "col"     "{red}[{blue}Owner{red}]{purple} "
        "del"     "{lime}> "
        "msg"     "{lightgreen}"
        "desc"    "Server owner"
        "flag"    "z"
        "custom"  "1"
        "id"      "3"
        "prio"    "101"
        "list"    "0"
        "steamid" "STEAM_1:0:1739936"
        "tag"     "[Timer]"
        "col"     "{lightgreen}Timer{blue}.{lightgreen}"
        "del"     "{lime}> "
        "msg"     "{lightgreen}"
        "desc"    "Timer creator"
        "custom"  "1"
        "id"      "4"
        "prio"    "102"
        "list"    "0"
        "steamid" "STEAM_1:1:40585178"
        "tag"     "[Founder]"
        "col"     "{purple}[{grey}F{green}o{grey}u{green}n{grey}d{green}e{grey}r{purple}]{normal} "
        "del"     "{red}~ "
        "msg"     "{purple}"
        "desc"    "Kawaii Founder"
        "custom"  "1"
        "id"      "6"
        "prio"    "102"
        "list"    "0"
        "steamid" "STEAM_1:1:40824378"
        "tag"     "Gold"
        "col"     "{green}Gold{normal} "
        "del"     "{lime}> "
        "msg"     "{grey}"
        "desc"    "Gold Fish"
        "custom"  "0"
        "id"      "42"
        "prio"    "102"
        "list"    "0"
        "steamid" "STEAM_1:0:1739936"
        "tag"     "ColorList"
        "col"     "{normal}1{darkred}2{pink}3{green}4{lime}5{lightgreen}6{red}7{grey}8{blue}B{blue}C{purple}E{normal}"
        "del"     "{lime}> "
        "msg"     "{grey}"
        "desc"    "ColorList"
        "custom"  "0"
        "id"      "43"
        "prio"    "102"
        "list"    "0"
        "tag"    "[Mod]"
        "col"    "{darkred}[{purple}Mod{darkred}]{purple} "
        "del"    "{normal}>> "
        "msg"    "{rand}"
        "desc"   "Moderator"
        "flag"   "b"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "9" // Every chat rank must have a unique id so players can save their chat rank setting
        "prio"   "100"
        "list"    "0"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[Kawaii]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{darkred}K{red}a{purple}w{blue}a{blue}i{pink}i{normal}]{green} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> " // Chat delimiter
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Rank 1 player"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "11"
        "prio"   "2"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "2"
        "max"    "2"
        "tag"    "[Legendary]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{green}Legendary{normal}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> " // Chat delimiter
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Rank 2 player"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "12"
        "prio"   "6"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "3"
        "max"    "3"
        "tag"    "[Beast]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{blue}Beast{normal}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> " // Chat delimiter
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Rank 3 player"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "13"
        "prio"   "6"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "4"
        "max"    "4"
        "tag"    "[Master]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{darkred}Master{normal}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> " // Chat delimiter
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Rank 4 player"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "14"
        "prio"   "6"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "5"
        "max"    "5"
        "tag"    "[Champion]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{purple}Champion{normal}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> " // Chat delimiter
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Rank 5 player"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "15"
        "prio"   "6"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "0"
        "max"    "0.1"
        "tag"    "[Boss]"
        "col"    "{blue}[{lime}Boss{blue}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player in top 0.1% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "16"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "0.1"
        "max"    "0.2"
        "tag"    "[Surreal]"
        "col"    "{green}[{lightgreen}Surreal{green}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 0.1% and 0.2% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "17"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "0.2"
        "max"    "0.3"
        "tag"    "[Expert]"
        "col"    "{blue}[{normal}Expert{blue}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 0.2% and 0.3% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "18"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "0.3"
        "max"    "0.5"
        "tag"    "[Specialist]"
        "col"    "{pink}[{green}Specialist{pink}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 0.3% and 0.5% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "19"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "0.5"
        "max"    "0.7"
        "tag"    "[Perfectionist]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{blue}Perfectionist{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 0.5% and 0.7% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "20"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "0.7"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[Veteran]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{purple}Veteran{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 0.7% and 1% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "21"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "3"
        "tag"    "[Epic]"
        "col"    "{blue}[{lime}Epic{blue}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 1% and 3% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "22"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "3"
        "max"    "5"
        "tag"    "[Extreme]"
        "col"    "{green}[{red}Extreme{green}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 3% and 5% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "23"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "5"
        "max"    "10"
        "tag"    "[Pro]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{lightgreen}Pro{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 5% and 10% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "24"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "10"
        "max"    "15"
        "tag"    "[Advanced]"
        "col"    "{blue}[{darkred}Advanced{blue}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 10% and 15% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "25"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "15"
        "max"    "20"
        "tag"    "[Elite]"
        "col"    "{darkred}[{lime}Elite{darkred}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 15% and 20% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "26"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "20"
        "max"    "25"
        "tag"    "[Impressive]"
        "col"    "{purple}[{blue}Impressive{purple}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 20% and 25% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "27"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "25"
        "max"    "30"
        "tag"    "[Talented]"
        "col"    "{blue}[{lightgreen}Talented{blue}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 25% and 30% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "28"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "30"
        "max"    "40"
        "tag"    "[Experienced]"
        "col"    "{lime}[{purple}Experienced{lime}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 30% and 40% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "29"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "40"
        "max"    "50"
        "tag"    "[Trained]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{blue}Experienced{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 40% and 50% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "30"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "50"
        "max"    "60"
        "tag"    "[Good]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{green}Good{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 50% and 60% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "31"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "60"
        "max"    "68"
        "tag"    "[Okay]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{blue}Okay{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 60% and 68% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "32"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "68"
        "max"    "72"
        "tag"    "[Average]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{red}Average{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 68% and 72% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "33"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "72"
        "max"    "76"
        "tag"    "[Normal]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{lime}Normal{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 72% and 76% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "34"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "76"
        "max"    "80"
        "tag"    "[Passable]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{purple}Passable{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 76% and 80% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "35"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "80"
        "max"    "84"
        "tag"    "[Recruit]"
        "col"    "{purple}[{blue}Recruit{purple}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 80% and 84% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "36"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "84"
        "max"    "88"
        "tag"    "[Beginner]"
        "col"    "{purple}[{blue}Beginner{purple}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 84% and 88% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "37"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "88"
        "max"    "92"
        "tag"    "[Noob]"
        "col"    "{purple}[{pink}Noob{purple}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 88% and 92% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "38"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "92"
        "max"    "96"
        "tag"    "[Stranger]"
        "col"    "{purple}[{normal}Stranger{purple}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 92% and 96% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "39"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "96"
        "max"    "100"
        "tag"    "[New]"
        "col"    "{pink}[{normal}New{pink}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player between top 96% and 100% of all players"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "40"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[TimeKeeper]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{blue}TimeKeeper{normal}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "Player with the most world records"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "41"
        "prio"   "3"
        "list"   "0"
        "tag"    "[Unranked]"
        "col"    "{normal}[{normal}Unranked{normal}] "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "del"    "{normal}: "
        "desc"   "Unranked player"
        "custom" "0"
        "id"     "10"
        "prio"   "1"
        "list"   "1"
        "steamid" "STEAM_1:0:47356163"
        "tag"     "[Tenderfoot]"
        "col"     "{grey}[{green}Tenderfoot{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"     "{lime}> "
        "msg"     "{lightgreen}"
        "desc"    "Tenderfoot"
        "custom"  "0"
        "id"      "44"
        "prio"    "102"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[#1 Legit]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{lime}#1 Legit{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "#1 Legit Player"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "46"
        "prio"   "4"
        "list"   "0"
        "style"  "1"
        "type"   "0"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[#1 Sideways]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{lime}#1 Sideways{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "#1 Sideways Player"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "47"
        "prio"   "4"
        "list"   "0"
        "style"  "2"
        "type"   "0"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[#1 W-Only]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{lime}#1 W-Only{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "#1 W-Only Player"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "48"
        "prio"   "4"
        "list"   "0"
        "style"  "3"
        "type"   "0"
        "min"    "1"
        "max"    "1"
        "tag"    "[#1 HalfSW]"
        "col"    "{grey}[{lime}#1 HalfSW{grey}]{normal} "
        "del"    "{darkred}>> "
        "msg"    "{normal}"
        "desc"   "#1 HalfSW Player"
        "custom" "1"
        "id"     "49"
        "prio"   "4"
        "list"   "0"
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一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-02-2021, 12:25 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-02-2021, 02:43 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-02-2021, 03:57 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-02-2021, 04:24 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-03-2021, 08:38 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-03-2021, 01:02 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-05-2021, 04:06 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-05-2021, 10:04 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-06-2021, 12:21 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-06-2021, 01:26 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-06-2021, 02:50 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-06-2021, 08:01 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-07-2021, 12:16 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-07-2021, 07:51 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-10-2021, 08:15 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-08-2021, 11:49 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-08-2021, 12:17 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-08-2021, 01:12 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-08-2021, 01:38 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-08-2021, 03:19 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-09-2021, 08:38 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-09-2021, 09:23 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-09-2021, 12:27 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-09-2021, 12:33 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-09-2021, 09:47 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-09-2021, 11:05 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-10-2021, 01:08 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-10-2021, 02:38 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-10-2021, 04:48 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-10-2021, 07:45 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-10-2021, 08:28 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-12-2021, 03:12 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-12-2021, 10:10 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-13-2021, 04:24 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 KilinWei - 07-13-2021, 07:23 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-14-2021, 09:39 AM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-14-2021, 01:40 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-14-2021, 02:35 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-14-2021, 03:29 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-14-2021, 04:22 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-14-2021, 04:27 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-14-2021, 08:05 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 s710363 - 07-14-2021, 08:20 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-14-2021, 09:04 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 KilinWei - 07-15-2021, 10:41 PM
RE: 一個較為大眾的連跳計時器 - 發文 8G$eafood - 07-16-2021, 03:14 PM







