CSGO 殭屍逃跑領導指南
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CSGO zombie escape leader guideline from qazlll456
Inspire by Unorth
Table of content
Leading preparation
        - Hardware requirement
        - Speaking sound quality
        - Relationship with other active players
        - Audience acceptance of a leader
The moment before you leading
        - Seek for the right time to lead
        - Claim to be a leader
        - Do not interfere with any other leader
During leading
        - Create uniqueness of a leader
        - Be well known of environment
        - Identify loyalty player and toxic player
        - Observe and control skilful player
        - Let the audience involve of your decision
        - Emergency emotional first aid
After leading
        - Making good relationship with loyalty player
        - Appreciate other people trusting you
        - Don't always be the leader
        - The bystander effect and helping effect
This guideline is made by qazlll456 for concluding the sequence of ideas about leading in CSGO zombie escape mode. After over 1000 hours played time to become a zombie escape leader, I decided to conclude everything that I used and learned by was I am a zombie escape leader.
Unorth is a person that inspired me to start leading, by his legendary skills, he is a trustworthy and reliable leader and friend. I have learned some zombie escape leader skills from him, so his name should be honoured here for all the good reason.
This guideline will be divided into six-part:
Leading preparation
The moment before you leading
During leading
After leading
Since this is a guideline for a specialized area, explain the special word in the guideline is necessary.
1. CSGO:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) expands upon the team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it was launched 19 years ago.[ https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/C...Offensive/]
2. Zombie Escape Mode:
The main goal of the zombie escape map, other than having a good time and a lot of fun, is to escape as a human from the zombies. This sounds very basic and simple, but in practice it requires a lot of teamwork (coordinated or not), good aiming skill, experience, knowledge of the map and your equipment and ultimately your timings between cover and escaping.[ https://zombieescape.fandom.com/wiki/Gui...ng_started]
3. Zombie Escape Mode Leader:
The person guides other individuals to a safe place.
Leading preparation
The Leading preparation is talking everything that you can do before you take the lead, it involves different area, so even you are not qualified in one area, and you can work on other areas that you are capable.
Hardware requirement
This is a reality requirement, it is all about money. A full-power computer for gaming is pretty expensive these days. Decrease graphics quality to increase gameplay performance is very common these days. In other words, you need to see a terrible, low, ugly object in the game to get high fps.
Fortunately, CSGO zombie escape mode is a game does not require a lot of hardware requirement to play. Even the player choose to connect to a server is located on the other side world and a player can still capable to play and chat.
There are many websites describes much good gaming computer should be, for example, “The best gaming PC 2019: 10 of the top gaming desktops you can buy”[https://www.techradar.com/news/computing...15-1304263]
The suggestion from here will be “you on your own” and “bear the cost you can”, a computer, a screen, a keyboard, a mouse, a mic and a headphone.
Speaking sound quality
This is a personal or microphone issue or both.
The microphone issue will be talking your mic physically or the sound setting on your computer. The microphone quality could be too high to become over quality or too low to unable to use. A over quality microphone can hear your background sound clearly to disturbed other players. A lower quality microphone will pronounce noise annoy people.
The personal issue is talking about a man speaking speed, pronouncing, grammar and logic.
Here are some tips from “Top tips for developing speaking skills – British Council” [chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/https://www.britishcouncil.in/sites/default/files/posters_1.pdf],
I selected two tips that I prefer the most from the report.
Be confident
[font=新細明體, serif]“[/font]Be confident when you speak. Try not to hesitate. Don’t worry too much about what other people think.”
Pronounce your words correctly
[font=新細明體, serif]“[/font]Practise consonant sounds which are difficult for speakers of your first language. Practise pronouncing them loudly and clearly. Think about your tongue, teeth and airflow.”
There is much reason that these two reasons have chosen from the report.
Be confident is very important in a place full of people come from the world, good person and bad person, but the most, it is full of silence person. They actually don’t care what you have spoken, they may don’t even know what you are talking about. Because they don’t speak the language you are speaking. A mistake will be often coming up when you at the beginning section. It is a status to everyone will happen.
Pronounce your words correctly is necessary as a leader. All other people rely on you. When you speak it wrong, speak it incorrectly and let other people misunderstand what you had spoken, it will cause a serious effect which is losing the game. Your accent isn't your problem. You don't need to care your accent when you able to communicate with others. But clearly, your accent problem is not the same as pronouncing.
Here is a TED Talk video talk about English speaking,
From the Speaker "Heather Hansen".
For other languages e.g. Spanish, please refer to your own school class when you learn as a child.
Or, Duolingo [https://www.duolingo.com/]
Relationship with other players
Help from the others is very important, I would state some example here for a good situation when you are the leader.
Example 1:
        More than 10 men support your leadership and speak loud wanted you to become the leader.
Example 2:
        There is no other person here wanted to lead.
Example 3:
        The admin won’t stop your leading and help you stop others interrupt you.
So, the opposite and bad situation for you will be as follow:
Example 1:
        No one support you to be the leader.
Example 2:
        There is a person/group of people stand out to disagree or even against you to be the leader.
Example 3:
        The admin will stop you by mute you or anything to stop you.
A leader is nothing without an audience.
If the leader leading group of people, it is a flexible place.
About becoming a leader:
1. No one can stay forever
2. No one needs to stay forever
3. Don't make a person stay forever
4. Change the leader when you needed
5. And respect other people who are the leader
No one has to listen to anyone, everyone feels free to do whatever they want, whenever they want and wherever they want. Don’t force anyone to listen to any leader,
Obey Causality, someone did stupid things, he deserves to die. We are never able to wake people up when they fake sleep.
Audience acceptance of a leader
How important you are?
A simple test can help you.
1. Become the leader.
2. Stop speaking instantly at one point.
3. Check how many people die / when people start dying after you are silencing.
When you are needed to most, people will die immediately the moment you silence.
When no one needed you, no one even notices you are silencing.
Some complicated case will be just a few people died and difficult to know that these people died is it count on you.

This table can apply to a theory from me; to measure a leader performance and ability, use a percentage of the living after the round win to identify. When a leader almost every time only he survival, equally mean he abandon everyone around him. So, on the other hand; when a leader can maintain the living percentage from the beginning, it is a good leader since from the beginning.
There one especially case I want to point out, there is a type of leader will help their self and their friends, and not included others. Sometimes you may survival as a "side effect", but their main purpose of leading wasn't to save you, it is the man "talking" and their friends.
The moment before you leading
Observe a suitable time for you and others. Do not force yourself or others to become a leader. When your suggestion will affect him, he could receive bad consequences from being a leader, you or anyone should not force anyone to do something they don’t want it.
Seek for the right time to lead
3 Factor in a game that can measure; Map, player and leader.
T2. Table of 3 suitable time factor to lead
In this list, as a multiple option list, it can drive to many results.
The best situation here will be ”13579”, when you know the route, people know, love and recommend you become the leader. Also, you have no sickness affected you to speak.
The worst situation here will be “02468”, when you don’t know the route, people don’t know, love and don’t recommend you become the leader. Also, you have sickness or tired affected you to speak.
Claim to be a leader
Legitimacy, justifiability and official leader place are necessary. Especially when you have no power except talking.
Most of the server right now able to claim to be the leader, after you claimed, the official staff should help you to verify you are the only one who speaking and leading. So, if you don’t claim, the word from you is more than a “suggestion” more than a “command”. Besides, others can interfere with you, such as saying completely opposite things from you, at this moment, there are not much to do to convince people why you are trustable.
The first group of people should help you is the administrator, they have the right to maintain the official leader leadership. When you claimed to be the leader and if the administrator didn't help you at this point, the legitimacy of the leader will be questioning for all people. People may even think is this server care the leader? Why even the official leader will be interfered by the bad player?
The second group of people should help you is the people who are listening to you, over here, the reality is weird, there are 3 groups of people exist here, the people always listen to the leader, the people always don't listen to the leader, and the people always listen to anyone speaking. A more strange issue will be all these 3 groups of people can divide into a dominant group and a recessive group.
Based on the information above, a table can be made as follow:
T3. Table of dominant and recessive player
“Good player” mean good to leader leadership. But “Good player” does not mean skilful or professional, as a team work game, the “Bad player” make his own decision and harm others to protect his own fun or life is a danger to others. If a person messes up and fixes his own fail, stop blame him because he repaired the situation.
Do not interfere with any other leader
It is a situation talking about that you shall respect other people that are leading right now. Until he dies in the game or leaves, you shouldn’t put your decision over others that are listening to the official leader.
Let other people can blame him completely when he failed when you interfere, his responsibility is spilt to you since you didn’t let him lead completely, he got a gap to Slip away his own failures.
On the other hands, honour him when he leads completely and didn’t make any mistake to save everyone.
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這英文的指南應該很少人會看吧 Thinking
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未看先贊 :)
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多謝8g ;)
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